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I've Changed My Mind


“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 2:5

There is something we CANNOT, that is to say, MUST NOT, forget as Christians. While salvation is freely given, it is absolutely not cheap. You and I enjoy this life of spiritual illumination and divine purpose because the Creator of all things was willing to become a human and submit to the agonizing death of crucifixion at the cross of Golgotha.

Concurrently, while our salvation is not conditioned on any meritorious action performed on our part, we must exercise faith in what Christ did on our behalf is we are to benefit from his amazing display of compassion.

If we genuinely follow in the steps of Christ the Savior, there will be seasons of suffering and periods of persecution. I John 2:6 informs us that all who “abide in Him, must walk even as He walked.” The implications of that truth are significant.

We are to live as He lived, love as He loved, and serve as He served. Remember that Christ performed all these functions as an obedient man. Our lives are to be characterized by the standard the Lord established. Nothing else matters. Nothing else will do.

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