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The Rise and Influence of BDS


  The anarchist uprisings on growing numbers of university campuses across America are targeting Israel in general and Jews in particular. The counterfeit umbrage succeeds because of historical ignorance by thousands of students and wealthy financiers driving an agenda behind the scenes. Not only are gullible college students being used as expendable dupes, but men like George Soros are transporting professional troublemakers to these various academic venues to escalate the conflict. The irony is that Soros is a Jew, and these protestors are arguing the case for Hamas. The success these demonstrators are enjoying is the result of these institutions of education long since becoming campuses of indoctrination and ideologies.  The universities are complicit. And so is the media.

     Blatant Jewish hatred has been steadily rising over the past decades and is especially prevalent in the radical Muslim community. University administrators embrace the intersectional hierarchy of victimhood, concluding that Muslims eclipse the Jews. This reality is graphically playing out on the campus of Columbia University in New York City. Pro-Palestinian students enjoy total latitude to vilify the Jewish people, and the New York Times sympathizes with the aggressors. Ironically, the NYT goes quiet when Jews are attacked by minority groups simply because it does not complement their agenda. It is the Marxist dichotomy thriving in public view. The Jews suffer the characterization of acting as the oppressor class, and the Palestinians are the oppressed. Antisemitic stereotypes brand the Jews as tyrants controlling the media, the banks, and global governments.  Zionism is advertised as the domineering colonization of European White supremacists.  

      In recent days, many Americans have been introduced to the BDS movement through campus uprisings. BDS is a global campaign endorsing boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israel. It is the newest weapon in the continuing attempt to remove Israel as the democratic government of the Jewish people. BDS promotes itself as a progressive human rights movement, but it is a complete misrepresentation of reality. In truth, BDS sabotages efforts toward peace, fairness, and human dignity in the Middle East. This anti-Israel movement has flourished in various liberal colleges throughout the country, having unrestricted freedom to villainize the Jewish state.  

     The BDS promotes three primary demands, with one being the "right of return" to Israel for millions of Palestinian refugees. If this were to happen, Israel would be displaced and ultimately eliminated.   What  no Palestinian advocates will say is that doing such would be a violation of international law and the collective rights of the Jewish people to self-determination. Should the BDS demands be met, Israeli Jews would be forced to live under discriminatory political parties. Fatah and Hamas are the movements that control Palestinian politics today, with October 7, 2023, showing the goal of these people is Israel's extinction.    

    The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement hurts its people. Nearly 100,000 Palestinians work in Israel and the West Bank settlements. These Palestinians earn twice as much income as those who work in the Palestinian Authority. Those who make this increased income provide economic aid to thousands of fellow Palestinians. Large numbers of Palestinian farmers depend on Israeli companies to export their goods to European markets. Agrexco, for example, once Israel's largest exporter of agricultural produce, has distributed thousands of tons of Palestinian produce from Gaza since 2010. This fact remains muted during the campus protests and subsequent reporting by crooked news outlets. Noam Chomsky is an American professor, political activist, and social critic. He is noted for his severe disparagement of Israel and yet has insightfully noted, "If you really hate the Palestinians, BDS is a good step because it is going to harm them."

      The chaos unfolding on university campuses across America is so much deeper than students and paid actors raising trouble. This mess is not new, only repackaged antisemitism.   Activists have been calling for anti-Jewish, anti-Israel boycotts since the 1920s. The Palestinian Arab Executive Committee, led by Nazi agent Haj Amin al-Husseini, sought a spurning against Jews in the British-controlled Palestine Mandate in 1933. Arab countries imposed boycotts against pre-state Israel in 1945 and extended them after Israel established sovereignty in 1948. Arab officials clearly stated that the agenda of those boycotts was the termination of Israel. 

     Today, BDS's goal is to continue that destructive agenda, and utilizing university campuses makes advancing that goal possible. Education is only possible through endowments, public funding via taxpayer dollars, and other financing agencies. It is outrageous that faculty, students, and administrators feel justified in using these properties to advance their political agendas. 

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