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The DNC & Planned Parenthood


Updated: Oct 1, 2024

    Never before in the American conflict concerning abortion rights have the battle lines been so profoundly drawn.  The Democratic National Convention convening in Chicago just days ago fully displayed the reality of their agenda and attitude towards human life.  Their barbaric descent into darkness has been so rapid that the opinion of Hillary Clinton, "safe, legal, and rare," is now obsolete.  The antics at the DNC proved the attitudes of many abortion advocates are now inhuman.  The Democrats celebrated abortion openly in cooperation with Planned Parenthood. 

     Abortion is a highly sensitive topic, with millions of mothers laboring over the decision to abort their children.  For most of these women, deciding to terminate their pregnancy is vexatious and commonly devastating.  Scores of mothers who choose to terminate their pregnancy do so with emotional turmoil and indecisiveness, wishing to keep the issue private. 

     What we witnessed at the DNC was a carnival of carnage.  It was a mockery of human life that likened pregnancy to a disease needing immediate treatment. The Planned Parenthood presence at the DNC did more than promote the availability of abortion. It celebrated the termination of human life.  Murdering unborn children was trivialized to the point of absurdity, packaged as liberation for women.  Abortion pills were doled out in the Planned Parenthood trailer with the same type of insignificance as the taco truck selling burritos next to it.  It was sadistic.  It was sick. 

      What has happened to America that 66% of Americans now believe abortion should be legal?  The antics of many abortion advocates were contemptible during the DNC.  People dressed up as Mifepristone pills.  This med is the drug that blocks the hormone called progesterone, which is needed for a pregnancy to continue. A 20-foot inflatable IUD was also on display.  Planned Parenthood, with the blessing of the Democrat party, organized a parade in honor of killing.  It was so egregious that pro-choice advocates described it as being offensive. 

      A wise adage says, 'What one generation embraces, the next will celebrate.'   This saying describes America's attitude towards abortion perfectly.  We have become a nation enslaved to an anti-life ideology.  Christians have submitted to this mindset as well, with thousands believing a woman's right to choose supersedes a child's right to live.   What I cannot reconcile, however, is that these people can identify themselves as followers of Christ and be so brazenly defiant of basic biblical principles. 

     In a matter of days, Americans will cast their ballots for the President of the United States.  I cannot fathom any Christian voting for the Democrat party that promotes a platform that is decisively anti-God.  Butchering babies cannot be justified by the excuses Christians make concerning the freedom of choice.  I am tired of those who identify as followers of Christ placing the feminist agenda above protecting the lives of the most vulnerable.  Furthermore, pastors have become shepherds for sale.  Every minister of the Gospel has a solemn obligation to decry the vicious slaughter of the innocents and reprimand any person who makes such laws possible. 

      The wholesale slaughter of children is nothing less than demonic.  It is Satanically inspired.  The pages of history are littered with pagan societies that arbitrarily murdered their offspring for purely selfish purposes.  Now, America follows the same pathway, and thousands who claim to be children of God make the genocide possible.

     I recently read an article that stated, "For Christians, abortion is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon deeply woven into the nation's political and social fabric."  That is nonsense.  It is not confusing or complex.  It is as simple as Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you."  Christians will not, and in fact, CAN NOT make abortion possible through their support of pro-murder politicians and still identify as followers of Christ.  It is incongruous.  It is inconsistent.  It is wrong. 

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