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Keeping Things in Focus


The assault against biblical integrity is now raging with full fury all across the country. That attack has been primarily focused on Generations Y and Z. The tragedy is that our children and grandchildren are unprepared for such an engagement, which has resulted in record numbers of church kids walking away from the Christian faith. Once they are exposed to anti-Christian conversations in the world of education they wilt under the pressure, and denounce the faith they once openly accepted. Across the United States at this very moment, thousands of impressionable college students are sitting under professors antagonistic to the New Testament in particular, and the entire Bible in general. The newest illegitimate educational mugging is drawing parallels between Greek folklores of dying and rising deities, and the biblical account of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. The educators cite these ancient fables as proof that the Scriptures are just another work of mythology. Unfortunately, young people are getting crushed with this academic dishonesty, and the consequences will be eternally disastrous.

The battering goes beyond just the educational system, however. The Hollywood establishment, the censored Internet, apologists for other religions, detonate a barrage of theoretical salvos targeting the Scripture’s truthfulness. Without question the Bible is the most disparaged book on the planet. Yet, despite the flurry of insults waged by the antagonists against the Holy Bible, the stories are repeatedly found to be historically reliable.

But, what of these ancient accounts that seem to be similar to biblical narrative? Anyone familiar with olden literature knows well that these similarities are superficial and artificial. Just a cursory look at history and one realizes that the Greeks made no real attempt to defend their myths as credible history. The Bible, though, establishes itself in real space and time. One simple example is documented in Luke 2, which places the birth of Jesus during the reign of Caesar Augustus and the governorship of Quirinius. Both these men were real people. Luke assumes the reader takes his information as presented — that Jesus was a real person who lived in history. Secular historians, opposed to the Christian message, verify Scripture in numerous writings. What’s more, the Bible teaches that God became incarnate in the person of Christ Jesus (John 1:14). Ancient Greeks detested such idea because they believed the physical body was totally immoral. The notion of God becoming man is a contradiction to everything these ancient people believed.

Now, for the extremely important point often missed among the Christian community. We must not miss the emphasis Scripture places on history. God’s Word is clear that the events it describes really happened. Take it one step further. The Bible tells the Christian that their faith is in vain if events like the resurrection of Jesus never happened (I Corinthians 15:14). Concurrently, notice the Scriptures don’t offer comprehensive documentation regarding what occurred between the time of Adam and the apostles. Frequently the Bible omits obscure information about individuals and details so that it might highlight God’s plan of redemption (II Kings 20:20–21). The details given in the Bible are entirely for the purpose of reaching the pinnacle of Jesus Christ.

Be careful. Don’t get pulled into dishonest conversations about the Bible’s legitimacy via the distraction of secular educators using fables to argue their point. The historicity of Jesus is concrete, but it is not the primary message of the Bible. The Scriptures declare to all people that a Savior has come to earth, died as a perfect substitute for fallen humanity, and in doing so, procured reconciliation to the Creator through this avenue alone.

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